Anyway, for my first entry I am going to write about...Cody. Why Cody you ask, well because he is the first thing I looked at just now. Me and him have been hanging out all morning, with nothing to do today besides chauffeur Justin around and await the delivery of Season 3 of Prison Break later on tonight, I have resorted to writing this to no one, and, I suppose, everyone.
Anyway Cody has been following me around the house all day, he's like my little dog shaped shadow. He is constantly around me except when he is getting into something. If there is a suspicious lack of Cody for any significant amount of time it's time to check the laundry basket. It's like a veritable buffet of toys, or so he thinks. Like when I arrived home last night it was to find Kiko, Kristina's stuffed Koala bear, on the living room floor with it's pants down, hmm. This is neither where or how I left the bear, and there was a mysterious spot on the butt that was devoid of any fur. I found the missing fur only a few feet away (not very inspired Cody) and tried to put it back, kind of like replacing a divot on the golf course, so that "you-know-who" wouldn't find out. And I guess by reading this the cat's out of the bag, or dog in this case...bummer.
You know, I'm just as interested as you are to see how long this pointless rambling can go on. Hopefully in the future I'll have something a little more interesting for you to read about. Tune in next time to hear about some of the strange goings-on around Colony Street.
Too funny! Little Cody-man has to do something with his time while you are not around to follow endlessly! Love, Mom
Yoda?? COME ON!!!!!
Oh my goodness, Cody is a bear-butt-biter! Coooodddddddy!!!! He's going to bite your butt next, so you better watch out!
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