Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A slimy piece of worm ridden filth...

Milo has worms and it's disgusting. He pooped some out, I have pictures, but I won't put them up. Anyway, we brought him to the vet and are giving him meds now. Ew.


dave + jess said...

Poor Milo!!!!!! I LOVE that picture of him!!!!

Fizzrate said...

oh my gosh that picture is SO cute!!! feel better milo.

P.S. please disable that annoying word verification thing at the post comments page.

Kristina said...

by far. . .my FAVORITE picture of my Milo-man!!!

Anonymous said...

Poor Milo. And he is still so good natured through it all. Hope the meds work quickly. Thanks for not posting pictures of it, though one wonders why you would TAKE pictures of it..... Mom
PS I am with Fizz, thank you for gettin rid of the annoying word verification.

Dave + Jess said...

The scientific side of me wants you to email me the pictures of his worms.

FYI: Today I googled what kind of meat pastrami is made from. I know, N-E-R-D!


Steve and Eden said...

Poor Milo. cute pic

Sara said...

Ew. Thank you for not posting pictures. The fact that that picture you posted is so far away cracks me up--like you don't want to get near him at all. ;)