So Justin calls me on Tuesday having supposedly spent all morning making calls to the right kind of people. I drive to his house around 1:30 and pick him up and we make it to DMV and get out little number ticket (D648, yes...I still remember it) at exactly 2:12pm. Only I look up to the little display thing and they are already somewhere in the D780 range, hmmm. But after about 30 minutes of waiting the counter resets back to D600, lucky us.
Now I'm sitting in DMV with nothing to do, Justin has his cell phone out, the girl next to me has hers out, the guy next to Justin has his out, as do the people in front of us. So, naturally I pull out my cell phone to try and blend in, only to remember that the most interesting thing I can do is look up different currency conversions, fun. Meanwhile Justin is watching all kinds of interesting TV shows and the girl next to me is texting so fast that her thumbs are blurred. It was around this time, about 3:15, that I started cursing Justin's timing in all this. The Tuesday after a holiday, and there are so many people there that I start to wonder if I'm missing out on something really interesting happening.
But, as 4:00 rolled around D648 finally got called and me and Justin became the type of people that others waiting in line really like. Why? Because it took as long as asking Justin his license plate number before the lady informs him that he has delinquent taxes in Farmington that he needs to pay off first. He asks why he wasn't told this when he called earlier, (I told him that he should just be proud he actually got a human on the line) only to get the response, "That's not our department." So Justin immediately starts packing up his pile of paperwork as both I and the lady behind the counter are laughing at him. On our walk back to the car I'm still laughing as Justin is re-tallying the total cost of his little pull-over. He did apologize for wasting my time, but let's face it, my time's not that valuable, and I told him it was all worth it.
His one saving grace though was the "quick pass" he got to avoid another 1:45 minutes in line, though it was only good for that day and the next. What a day, now just imagine if government ran health care too. Ugh.
Dude i swear i was in and out at the DMV today in 15 min and it was cheaper than i thought.
Nick, your time is VERY valuable, just not usually spent all that well! My poor Justin, but he is ours and we love him. It was very nice of you to do that for him, Nick, my good boy. Your mother raised you well. Love, Mom
oh Justin!!! I'm actually NOT surprised in the least that something like this happen to you!!! when Nick told me when I first got home I couldn't help but chuckle because well, things like this just happen to you all the time!!
Nick: Got another title for this entry: Jusin the Nick of time.....
Poor Justin. Am I surprised by any of it, though? But we love our Justin, so that has to count for something, right?! :)
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